Formula Student Combustion - World Ranking List

Formula Student Alpe Adria 2023

(Pure Combustion Event)

SUM top10 event: 4.894,3662
SUM top10 wrl ID 279: 7.583,1724
=> competitiveness of competition:
0,6454 * 0,375 + 0,625 = 0,8670

11 teams at competition (result > 0): kml for google earth
317 teams in WRL: kml for google earth

2022-08-28 > Season 1 ≥ 2023-08-26
2021-08-28 > Season 2 ≥ 2022-08-28
2020-08-28 > Season 3 ≥ 2021-08-28

WRL ID 281 | 2023-08-26 | c 0,87 | AA

rank wrp cn university name team A
1 827,73 US University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign FSG A
2 761,18 IN Vishwakarma Institute of Technology FSG A
3 741,96 US University of Florida FSG A
4 730,59 AT Fachhochschule Joanneum Graz FSG A
5 717,65 US Purdue University - West Lafayette FSG A
6 715,31 IT Università degli studi di Padova FSG A
7 692,55 CZ Czech Technical University in Prague FSG A
8 691,31 US University of Texas at Arlington FSG A
9 683,44 US University of California, Los Angeles -- A
10 683,23 US San José State University FSG A
11 682,83 US University of Alabama -- A
12 680,17 PL Wroclaw University of Technology FSG A
13 678,80 US University of California San Diego -- A
14 659,14 US Louisiana State University FSG A
15 658,77 DE Hochschule Darmstadt, UAS FSG A
16 658,09 US University of Connecticut -- A
17 651,63 IT University of Modena and Reggio Emilia FSG A
18 649,57 US California State University, Northridge FSG A
19 638,49 DE Universität Stuttgart FSG A
20 635,17 US The Ohio State University FSG A
21 631,56 US Georgia Institute of Technology FSG A
22 626,45 DE Hochschule Karlsruhe FSG A
23 624,84 CZ Brno University of Technology FSG A
24 621,71 DE Hochschule Esslingen FSG A
25 621,51 US University of North Carolina at Charlotte -- A
26 598,80 DE Technische Universität Berlin FSG A
27 598,19 SE Lund University FSG A
28 592,98 GB Staffordshire University -- A
29 592,35 IT Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna FSG A
30 589,96 US Kansas State University -- A
31 584,67 GB University of Glasgow FSG A
32 577,99 US Hope College -- A
33 574,60 US Michigan State University FSG A
34 574,01 MT University of Malta -- A
35 567,22 US California State Polytechnic University - San Luis Obispo -- A
36 566,77 US Oklahoma State University - Stillwater -- A
37 565,74 IN Gujarat Technological University FSG A
38 565,55 US University of Cincinnati FSG A
39 551,60 US University of Missouri FSG A
40 543,48 US Missouri University of Science and Technology FSG A
41 536,47 US North Carolina State University -- A
42 536,10 PL Rzeszów University of Technology FSG A
43 521,95 US Villanova University -- A
44 501,26 US California Baptist University -- A
45 499,57 US University of South Florida FSG A
46 494,47 DE Universität Paderborn FSG A
47 493,41 US Temple University -- A
48 490,65 CA University of Waterloo FSG A
49 484,21 US Saginaw Valley State University -- A
50 480,08 US University of California, Berkeley -- A
51 476,89 US Western Michigan University -- A
52 475,68 US Wayne State University -- A
53 475,27 US Kennesaw State University -- A
54 475,22 US Texas A&M University -- A
55 475,12 PL Białystok University of Technology FSG A
56 470,48 CA University of Calgary -- A
57 468,12 FR Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz FSG A
58 464,26 CA University of Victoria FSG A
59 458,24 GB Cardiff University, Wales FSG A
60 457,30 US Pennsylvania State University FSG A
61 446,98 GR Democritus University of Thrace FSG A
62 445,71 US University of Texas at Austin FSG A
63 443,74 US University of Kansas FSG A
64 442,14 GR Aristotle University of Thessaloniki FSG A
65 441,49 GB University of Southampton FSG A
66 440,49 US California State Polytechnic University, Pomona FSG A
67 437,41 US University of Southern California -- A
68 430,64 US Clarkson University -- A
69 430,56 US Drexel University FSG A
70 419,18 ES Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia FSG A
71 418,43 IT Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II FSG A
72 418,42 US Clemson University -- A
73 415,10 GB Coventry University FSG A
74 414,61 BR Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais FSG A
75 414,44 RO Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov FSG A
76 414,09 DE Hochschule Heilbronn FSG A
77 413,59 DE Fachhochschule Coburg FSG A
78 409,45 HU Budapest University of Technology and Economics FSG A
79 408,38 US University of Colorado at Boulder -- A
80 401,98 US University of Minnesota Twin Cities -- A
81 401,79 US University of Wisconsin-Platteville FSG A
82 398,68 US University of Virginia -- A
83 398,27 TR Yıldız Technical University FSG A
84 396,02 GB University of Strathclyde FSG A
85 393,82 IT Università della Calabria FSG A
86 392,32 US University of Nebraska–Lincoln -- A
87 390,61 HU Széchenyi István University FSG A
88 389,67 US Minnesota State University, Mankato FSG A
89 387,75 US The University of Akron FSG A
90 387,41 GR University of Thessaly FSG A
91 385,07 US South Dakota School of Mines and Technology -- A
92 382,88 US Pellissippi State Community College -- A
93 376,85 ES Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa FSG A
94 375,12 DK Aalborg University FSG A
95 374,90 US University of Illinois at Chicago -- A
96 374,61 US University of Pittsburgh FSG A
97 372,34 IN SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Kattankulathur FSG A
98 367,44 DE Fachhochschule Stralsund FSG A
99 364,23 GB University of the West of England FSG A
100 353,85 US University of Kentucky -- A
101 350,39 FR École Centrale de Lyon FSG A
102 349,67 US University of the Pacific -- A
103 342,14 GB University of Sheffield FSG A
104 341,35 CA University of British Columbia - Okanagan -- A
105 336,80 IT Università di Pisa FSG A
106 336,06 CA University of Ottawa -- A
107 335,31 IT Marche Polytechnic University FSG A
108 334,07 CZ Czech University of Life Sciences Prague FSG A
109 333,07 US University of North Florida -- A
110 332,14 US Iowa State University -- A
111 331,52 US Kettering University -- A
112 330,85 ES University of Seville FSG A
113 328,81 GB University of Leicester -- A
114 327,89 ES University of Malaga FSG A
115 325,69 GB De Montfort University -- A
116 322,75 US Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -- A
117 321,64 DE Hochschule Hannover FSG A
118 318,64 US University of New Hampshire -- A
119 317,78 IN Nirma University FSG A
120 315,40 IN Pune Vidyarti Griha's college of Engineering and Technology FSG A
121 314,32 IT Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata FSG A
122 313,29 US Southern Illinois University Carbondale -- A
123 309,90 IN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon FSG A
124 309,18 PR Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez -- A
125 309,03 DE UAS Kempten FSG A
126 307,64 US University of Wisconsin-Madison FSG A
127 307,30 GB University of Bath FSG A
128 304,60 US Colorado School of Mines -- A
129 301,24 DE Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg FSG A
130 300,12 US Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology -- A
131 296,61 US Tennessee Technological University -- A
132 296,61 FI University of Oulu FSG A
133 293,71 US United States Naval Academy -- A
134 293,39 US Mississippi State University -- A
135 285,36 VE Universidad Metropolitana FSG A
136 284,11 US Lawrence Technological University FSG A
137 284,10 US University of Maryland -- A
138 280,16 DE Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen FSG A
139 278,51 US Arizona State University -- A
140 277,98 US Michigan Technological University -- A
141 277,56 CA Carleton University -- A
142 277,14 US Oakland University FSG A
143 273,06 US Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- A
144 271,22 US Old Dominion University -- A
145 270,87 US Duke University -- A
146 267,30 DE Fachhochschule Aachen FSG A
147 266,79 US Washington University in St. Louis -- A
148 266,48 GB University of Sussex -- A
149 263,58 US California State University, Fullerton FSG A
150 262,65 IN Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology FSG A
151 261,54 US University of Oklahoma FSG A
152 261,52 US The University of Texas at Dallas -- A
153 260,31 PL Gdańsk University of Technology FSG A
154 256,42 CY Frederick University FSG A
155 251,96 US Brown University -- A
156 250,52 US Florida International University -- A
157 249,50 ES University Carlos III of Madrid FSG A
158 248,56 US Florida Atlantic University -- A
159 245,44 PL AGH University of Science and Technology FSG A
160 243,79 US Grand Valley State University -- A
161 241,88 DE Ruhr-Universität Bochum FSG A
162 240,30 US California State University, Chico -- A
163 238,26 GB University of Liverpool FSG A
164 238,19 ES Universidad de Vigo FSG A
165 236,77 US Colorado Mesa University -- A
166 236,30 IN R.V.College of Engineering FSG A
167 230,71 CA University of Saskatchewan -- A
168 230,36 DE Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg FSG A
169 230,11 GR University of West Attica FSG A
170 230,10 EG Ain Shams University -- A
171 228,64 CA University of British Columbia - Vancouver -- A
172 227,68 IT Università degli Studi di Firenze FSG A
173 222,73 ES University of Cadiz FSG A
174 221,68 HR University of Split FSG A
175 221,62 GB University of Wolverhampton FSG A
176 218,16 CZ VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava FSG A
177 217,23 DE Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg FSG A
178 212,90 GB Sheffield Hallam University -- A
179 212,47 US University of North Dakota -- A
180 212,33 GB University College London FSG A
181 212,30 IN Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science Indore FSG A
182 211,96 GB University of Huddersfield FSG A
183 211,33 CZ Technical University of Liberec FSG A
184 211,20 US South Dakota State University -- A
185 208,49 SI University of Maribor FSG A
186 208,13 IN Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur FSG A
187 207,91 GB Queen Mary University of London -- A
188 207,71 DE Hochschule Niederrhein FSG A
189 205,11 ID Gadjah Mada University FSG A
190 204,11 IN VIT University - Chennai FSG A
191 203,36 US University of North Texas -- A
192 202,93 CA University of Alberta FSG A
193 201,05 US Oregon Institute of Technology -- A
194 195,76 HR University of Rijeka FSG A
195 195,50 ES Salesian University School of Sarrià - EUSS FSG A
196 193,89 US Lehigh University -- A
197 192,95 GB University of Birmingham FSG A
198 191,95 US University of Hartford -- A
199 191,58 IN Manipal Academy of Higher Education FSG A
200 190,02 RO University Politehnica Of Bucharest FSG A
201 189,39 RS University of Belgrade FSG A
202 188,97 US Columbia University -- A
203 186,78 IN VIT University - Vellore FSG A
204 186,71 IN Ramaiah Institute of Technology FSG A
205 185,59 IN Aligarh Muslim University FSG A
206 185,28 IN Thakur College of Engineering and Technology FSG A
207 185,07 GB University of Leeds FSG A
208 183,15 GB University of Aberdeen FSG A
209 182,81 VE Universidad Simón Bolívar FSG A
210 181,97 US Northwestern University -- A
211 176,19 US The University of Michigan-Dearborn FSG A
212 175,51 ES Universidad Francisco de Vitoria FSG A
213 175,16 US Binghamton University -- A
214 174,88 US Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -- A
215 171,00 US Missouri State University -- A
216 169,98 IN J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA FSG A
217 168,04 GB University of Edinburgh FSG A
218 167,77 IN The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore FSG A
219 162,59 FI TAMK University of Applied Sciences FSG A
220 160,78 DE Technische Hochschule Lübeck FSG A
221 159,28 DE Fachhochschule Dortmund FSG A
222 159,14 US Colorado State University -- A
223 159,04 IR Ferdowsi University of Mashad FSG A
224 157,02 GB Kingston University FSG A
225 156,87 CA Lakehead University -- A
226 156,11 US California State University, Sacramento -- A
227 155,90 GB University of Central Lancashire FSG A
228 152,21 US York College of Pennsylvania -- A
229 151,64 GB University of Manchester FSG A
230 150,77 CY University of Cyprus FSG A
231 149,27 CA University of Manitoba FSG A
232 148,99 DE Helmut Schmidt Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg FSG A
233 148,78 IN Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology FSG A
234 148,40 US California State University, Los Angeles -- A
235 148,21 IN St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology FSG A
236 147,21 BG Technical University of Sofia FSG A
237 144,78 RO Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara FSG A
238 143,57 GB Brunel University London FSG A
239 142,31 PT Polytechnic Institute of Leiria FSG A
240 139,34 GB London South Bank University -- A
241 138,89 US Texas Tech University -- A
242 138,61 IN Government Engineering College - Thrissur FSG A
243 137,79 IT Università del Salento FSG A
244 136,98 TR Istanbul Technical University FSG A
245 135,50 HU University of Miskolc FSG A
246 135,29 IE Trinity College, University of Dublin FSG A
247 134,47 US San Diego State University -- A
248 134,38 GB University of Salford -- A
249 133,52 US Liberty University -- A
250 132,63 ES Universitat Jaume I FSG A
251 132,44 IN Amity School of Engineering and Technology FSG A
252 131,87 RO Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi FSG A
253 130,90 CA Université de Sherbrooke -- A
254 130,40 MX Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México -- A
255 130,36 MX Universidad Panamericana Sede México -- A
256 128,80 US University of Central Florida FSG A
257 127,59 US Central Michigan University -- A
258 126,80 FR National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon FSG A
259 125,84 IN Pillai College Of Engineering FSG A
260 124,95 ID University of Indonesia FSG A
261 124,64 GB University of Exeter -- A
262 123,41 FR ESTACA - Paris-Saclay (Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile) FSG A
263 123,27 US University of Massachusetts Lowell -- A
264 121,80 US Purdue University - Northwest -- A
265 120,53 GB University of Bolton -- A
266 120,36 US Bradley University -- A
267 117,63 TR University of Kocaeli FSG A
268 114,71 IN Kumaraguru College of Technology FSG A
269 114,39 IN MIT Art, Design and Technology University FSG A
270 112,74 IT Politecnico di Bari FSG A
271 110,99 US Northern Illinois University -- A
272 108,28 AT FH Campus Wien FSG A
273 107,39 US Wichita State University -- A
274 105,60 IN Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Engineering -- A
275 104,48 US University of Toledo -- A
276 102,99 PL Warsaw University of Technology FSG A
277 99,24 US West Virginia University -- A
278 96,54 ES Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú UPC FSG A
279 96,05 TR Eskişehir Technical University FSG A
280 96,05 IN Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology FSG A
281 94,11 GR Technical University of Crete FSG A
282 93,99 US University of Georgia -- A
283 91,46 ES Universidad Europea de Madrid FSG A
284 90,72 US University of Minnesota Duluth -- A
285 85,11 DE University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten FSG A
286 80,25 HU John von Neumann University FSG A
287 78,03 FR CESI École d’ingénieurs - Nanterre FSG A
288 77,30 IN Charotar University of Science and Technology FSG A
289 74,68 ES Universidad Rey Juan Carlos FSG A
290 74,54 IN National Institute of Technology, Raipur FSG A
291 74,29 CN Tongji University FSG A
292 72,88 US University of California Irvine -- A
293 72,67 GB University of Cambridge FSG A
294 71,78 IN Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore FSG A
295 69,39 US Penn State Harrisburg -- A
296 65,28 GB Glasgow Caledonian University -- A
297 57,03 MX Universidad Panamericana - Aguascalientes -- A
298 57,00 IN SASTRA Deemed To Be University FSG A
299 56,25 AE Birla Institute of Science and Technology Pilani - Dubai FSG A
300 55,51 GB Birmingham City University -- A
301 54,06 NL HAN University of Applied Sciences FSG A
302 53,58 UA Odessa Polytechnic National State University FSG A
303 51,79 GB Swansea University FSG A
304 51,31 US University of Texas at San Antonio -- A
305 50,86 US Washington State University -- A
306 47,64 GB Aston University -- A
307 45,99 GB Manchester Metropolitan University FSG A
308 44,07 IN Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology -- A
309 42,65 TR Ataturk University FSG A
310 32,10 FR École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers de Lille FSG A
311 27,71 PR Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico -- A
312 27,34 BD Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology FSG A
313 25,93 US Midwestern State University -- A
314 24,38 IN College of Engineering Trivandrum FSG A
315 23,72 US Alabama A&M University -- A
316 21,10 IN Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology FSG A
317 15,41 TR Düzce University -- A

Overall Results
Formula Student Alpe Adria 2023

place cost bp ed acc sp autox endu eff pen total
Prague CTU
Stuttgart U
Rzeszów TU
Bologna U
Stralsund UAS
Brasov U
Budapest TU
Győr U
Coburg UAS
Kraków AGH
(Points, countries, universities etc. are hidden in mouseover)

Top10 teams at competition
according to WRL ID 279

universities class wrp
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna C 607,16
Czech Technical University in Prague C 592,56
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia C 560,90
Rzeszów University of Technology C 538,27
Universität Stuttgart C 512,34
Fachhochschule Coburg C 496,74
Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov C 452,92
Budapest University of Technology and Economics C 426,20
Széchenyi István University C 411,17
Fachhochschule Stralsund C 296,11
SUM top10 event   4.894,37

Top10 teams at last WRL ID 279

universities class wrp
Monash University C 849,11
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign C 827,73
Nagoya Institute of Technology C 771,43
Yokohama National University C 758,70
University of Florida C 741,96
Indian Institute of Technology Madras C 733,97
Fachhochschule Joanneum Graz C 730,59
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology C 729,87
Ulm University of Applied Sciences C 722,16
Purdue University - West Lafayette C 717,65
SUM top10 wrl   7.583,17

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